Claris FileMaker Licenses FAQ

What are the Education / Non-Profit Terms and Conditions?

Claris offers qualified education and Non-Profit institutions, organizations and end users the opportunity to purchase Non-Profit/Education versions of Claris products for administrative, educational instruction or Non-Profit organization purposes. Non-Profit/Education versions of Claris products cannot be used for any commercial purpose. A commercial purpose is any revenue-generating activity beyond the usual and customary activities educational institutions or Non-Profit organizations engage in. In order to be entitled to benefit from the special pricing on the Claris Education & Non-Profit Store you must be (1) a registered student and possess a valid student I.D., (2) you must be engaged as a teacher, lecturer or administrator at an education institution, and you must require the Product for your own use, for your classes, for research or for administration of the educational institution, or (3) be a member of a Non-Profit organization and must require the Product for use in your Non-Profit organization. Claris is entitled at any time to require that you produce evidence of your entitlement to purchase under this provision. Claris reserves the right to cancel your order in its absolute discretion if we should determine that you are not a student, teacher, lecturer, member of a Non-Profit organization and/or that you do not require the Product for your own use or for teaching, research or Non-Profit organization purposes. We will inform you if we cancel your order on the above basis. Any payments you have made will be refunded to you. The above terms and conditions are in addition to the general web store terms and conditions. Please note that Non-Profit/Education programs and prices are subject to change without notice.

Site Licenses


When is the Site License the best option?

The FileMaker Site License is the best options for when buying for a larger group of users when all the employees of the company use FileMaker. The site license is offered as an annual subscription or as a perpetual license with a minimum of 25 users – however if you have 15 users the 15 user license is approximately the same price as the 25 user site license. The requirement for the site license is that each and every employee from the organization is counted as a “user” even if they aren’t going to use FileMaker. In the case where you have 15 employees a 25 user Site License is approximately the same price as the 15 User license.

How does Claris count my users for Site Licensing?

First count all your full-time-equivalent staff in your organization whether or not they use FileMaker. All those staff will need to get FileMaker licenses – whether or not they use them. Next you have to count your part time staff – those who work a half or a quarter of the week, then they count as 0.5 or 0.25 users! Remember you have staff who will never use FileMaker, then you must still count them – but the site license discount is large enough that the site license is often more cost effective.

When is a site license more cost effective than a user license?

Often it is more cost effective to buy a site license if more than half of your staff use FileMaker AND your organization has 15 or more staff.  

Where can I find the Claris license FAQ?

The Claris reference page is available here: Claris FileMaker Reference

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