What is Filemaker used for in business for improvements?



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Do you have a hard time finding the right tools for your business?

What makes FileMaker a perfect solution is that it is a powerful and user-friendly platform with an affordable price. But in which fields and how can you use it? And, what’s more important, what FileMaker really is? Keep reading and find out how your business can benefit from using this flexible tool.

What is Filemaker?

Although its range of functions is extremely wide, FileMaker is a database – primarily, a software platform that has a few versions (FileMaker Server, FileMaker Advanced, FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Pro Advanced, and FileMaker Go) which you can run on Mac, Windows, iOS or in a browser. That means that systems build in FileMaker deploy in multiple places!

Besides that, both Apple and Android users can download the FileMaker Go app that has much of the features and functionality of FileMaker Pro but without the ability to create or edit a solution file. And it’s free!

Who can use FileMaker? 

This multi-practical tool is generally used for rapidly developing custom software, but it has lots of purposes in many different industries. It’s designed for handling tasks in workgroups, teams, small to medium-sized businesses. It can be perfectly helpful not only for business but also for individuals and non-profits. It’s flexible and fast, and it can integrate with other applications and systems.

Different types of business can use FileMaker in order to improve its development and lower costs: Advertising, Education, Government, Non-Profits, Restaurants… Still, this powerful platform is not just for anyone! It’s definitely not an enterprise level tool designed for thousands of users. But for many is time-saving, affordable and irreplaceable.

What FileMaker really does?

It allows users to manage contact and projects through organizing data into screens, layouts or forms.

An essential aspect of this platform is that you don’t need programming skills to use it. It has more than 30 integrated starter solutions which help users to handle important tasks fast and easy.

Not only can you easily create reports, this platform will also bring all of your data into one place with a better visualization of it, while making it easier to share with anyone in real time. Other platforms might look similar, but for now, there is nothing else on the market like FileMaker.

It can be used for:

  • CRM
  • Invoicing details
  • Project Management
  • Tour Dashboard
  • Product Catalog
  • Invoices
  • Field Research
  • Meetings
  • Supply Management
  • Inventory Tracking
  • Event Planning
  • Resource Scheduling
  • Campaign Management
  • Retail Supply
  • Asset Manager
  • Human Resources
  • Time Billing

And more!

How FileMaker will help you improve your business? 

Anyone who runs a small or mid-sized business knows about the importance of using your resources effectively. That’s where FileMaker will make a revolution for you and your employees!

1. It will save you time and money!

Building software from the ground up can take years. Any company, especially small and mid-sized ones, don’t want to spend their time and money unnecessarily on developing it. That’s why a lot of them start using FileMaker in the first place. With it, you no longer need expensive database software or hiring a developer to run it. The software can be run rapidly, but in the beginning, the best way to do it is with the help of FileMaker Consultant

2. You can build your own custom solutions

FileMaker Pro makes this pretty easy because it’s not necessary to know the SQL (the programming language of most database systems), but you still have to know your way around data structures and understand their relations. Also, it’s not too hard building your skills for it through training included with FileMaker Pro and from other online sources.

3. Keeping it all at one place

Are you or your organization struggling with the spreadsheets, paper forms or multiple applications in order to get your work done? If that’s so, you might consider trying the FileMaker database solution. It can bring all of your information in one place with the possibility to change, add and query the data. A user interface lets you not only view and interact with the data but also to calculate, report and integrate all together with the spreadsheet and other database systems. 

4. It improves a team’s communication

Any executive knows the importance of having his team organized and keeping communication with the members clear and on point at any moment.

Thanks to FileMaker cloud hosting services this is now easier than ever! All customer data and the company information are available to all the team members. Cloud service, along with mobile apps, allows everyone to access data from anywhere.

5. It’s user-friendly!

No matter how big or small your business is, it will be easy to start improving it through this platform. Firstly, it will be easy to use FileMaker regardless of your computer prowess. Secondly, you won’t have to develop databases for a living to use it. And also – you won’t spend lots of time teaching your team. The user interface is easy to understand, and it will take just a few minutes to introduce.

Provide for yourself and your team the greatest amount of power and possibilities with just a little bit complexity through this revolutionary tool!   

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